
What is the SENIA Certificate Scholarship?

The SENIA Certificate Scholarship promotes SENIA’s mission and vision of making resources accessible for all by funding a team of educators the opportunity to learn and complete the SENIA Certificate program, in order to implement their learning and creating an inclusive learning environment at their school and community.

Purpose: SENIA’s vision is to support individuals and make resources accessible for an inclusive world. The SENIA Certificate provides the resources to promote learning and create inclusive programs in schools. The SENIA Certification Scholarship aims to provide a team of educators with the opportunity to access the SENIA Certificate.

What is the SENIA Certification Program?

The SENIA Certification courses are perfect for beginning to intermediate-level learning support teachers or general educators who want to learn more about supporting students with learning differences. There are six courses to earn a SENIA Certificate and the cost is 1125 USD per person for 6 courses. Please find more details here.

Due Date

All submissions must be received by November 30, 2024

Nomination Details

A school must nominate three teachers for the SENIA Certificate Scholarship with the aim of building capacity in their educators. These educators will apply this knowledge to further implement an inclusive program catering to the needs of their student community.

An inclusive program supports the diverse academic, social, emotional, and communication needs of all students.

The Team of Three Candidates must:

  • Be educators at the same school.
  • Promote SENIA’s Mission and Vision of inclusion.
  • Fill in the application fully and honestly.
  • Give permission to SENIA to use photos or videos on their social media.
  • Commit to the length of the entire SENIA Certification program.
  • Understand that instruction for the courses is only offered in English.

Evaluation Criteria

After Approval

Successful Team Application

If a team is successful and granted the SENIA Certificate Scholarship, they commit to:

  • Completing the entirety of the SENIA Certification Program**
  • Implementing a support program at their school.  SENIA agrees to support the team in implementing the inclusive support program.
  • SENIA contacting the school and team for promotional purposes
  • Promoting SENIA’s mission and vision through PD and virtual conferences at their school

SENIA commits to:

  • Providing support for the team in implementing an inclusive program at their school.
  • Assist in course enrollment and payment
  • Provide in-course support and all other assistance provided to enrolled participants of SENIA certification course

**SENIA reserves the right to rescind the Certification scholarship if any member from the Team of 3 fails to fully participate in the Certification program.

Individual and Team Statements

Individual Information

The following information is requested:

  • Your name
  • Job title
  • School name and web address
  • Copy of each individuals’ teacher certificate (PDF or picture is fine)
  • Your photo; headshots are the best

Individual Statements

A statement from each individual including answers to the following questions:

  • Why are you interested in the SCP?
  • What qualities do you bring to the team to extend your learning at your school?

Team Statements

A single statement on behalf of your team

  • How do you plan to implement your learning from the SCP at your school? Please provide a timeline, resources (internal and external), funding, staffing, etc.
  • Why does your team require funding for SCP?
SENIA Certificate Scholarship Online Application
Which SENIA Certification Scholarship are you applying for?

First Team Member's Information

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB

Second Team Member's Information

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB

Third Team Member's Information

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB


Maximum file size: 516MB

Please Provide one letter of recommendation from the Head of School or Principal stating the following: 1. Reasons why this team of candidates would benefit from the SENIA Certification Program (SCP). 2. How would they implement their learning from the SCP at their school and local community? 3. An explanation of your schools' commitment to inclusion.

Part 2. Individual Statements

Part 4. Admin Approval for Post Certification Follow Up

Part 5. School Background

Section 6. Confirmation

Please complete the form in its entirety.

Questions? Stay in touch: scholarships@seniainternational.org

Thank you!