Lesson’s are broken into three parts
- Identifying our beliefs about behavior and understand that our beliefs about challenging behaviors guide our practice. This is done through the concepts of Positive Behavior Supports and Multi-tiered System of Supports.
- Understanding and exploring the functions of behaviors and how we can change the environment and our response to a behavior.
- Understand how we can collaboratively work together with our students to best support challenging behaviors.
Materials Needed
Part One
- No downloadable resources needed
Part Two
- Sensory Hierarchy (Show on screen)
- ABC Scenario (pdf) Slide Show (Show on screen)
Part Three
- Collaborative Proactive Solution Scenarios (Print enough for groups of three or share on screen)
- Plan B Cheat Sheet (Print enough for groups of three)
- ALSUP (Print enough for groups of three)
- Drilling Cheat Sheet (Print enough for groups of three)
Part One: Beliefs About Behavior
Video #1 (Stop at 4:15)
Video #2 (Start video at 4:16)
Video #3 (Stop at 7:33)
Part Two: Functions of Behaviors
Video #4 (Stop at 3:26)
Video #5 (Watch entire video)
Part Three: Collaborative and Proactive Solutions
Video #6 (Watch entire video)
Video #7 (Watch entire video)
Video #8 (Watch entire video)
Supplemental Videos and Podcasts
- SENIA podcast with Dr. Ross Greene: “How can we change the status quo of behavior management in our schools?”
- Dr. Greene: “The three plans and three steps of the plan B process”
- SENIA podcast with Leah Kuypers: “Meet the creator of the Zones of Regulation”
- Video: “Do you know to do a plan B for the problem-solving step?”
- Video: “Plan B conversation with a parent and her 15-year-old son.”