Show #2 SENIA Virtual School Roundtable

We ‘ve all been thrown into our new teaching reality…we ‘ve gone virtual. It ‘s new, it ‘s tough, it ‘s exciting. While some of us are just starting our journeys, others have been doing it since all this started.

Today on our podcast, Katie Stears, a primary years teacher in Hong Kong, and Karl Mejia, a high school learning support teacher in Beijing, and I chat about how we are working with our students; the challenges, the positives, and everything in between.

Join us for our first roundtable discussion on our SENIA Happy Hour Podcast.


Katie has been an educator for approaching 20 years. For the past 8 years, she has taught in Hong Kong as both a mainstream and learning support class teacher, as well as a specialist teacher of Information & Digital Literacies. Prior to this she worked in the UK as an Assistant Head. She is an advocate of developing a culture of thinking, multiliteracy skills and inclusive classroom practices. She loves to learn and regularly shares her learning with her colleagues, as well as the wider educational community.

Karl Mejia is the High School Learning Support Teacher of Beijing City International School. He has been with BCIS for 3 years now and he has been practicing in the field of Special Education since 2014. He is currently taking his Masters Degree on Inclusive Education.
