Show #37 Would You Want to Be a Student in Your Classroom?

Our guest today is Pernille Ripp who is an English teacher, author, internationally known speaker, and the founder of Global Read Aloud.  Pernille asks educators to reflect on one simple question: Would you want to be a student in your classroom? She takes time today to tell us how to build a classroom library that is accessible to all students, no matter their reading level, and shares how she encourages her students to provide her with feedback on her teaching as well as how she makes her students feel. Many of us were able to see Pernille ‘s keynote speech at the joint EARCOS/SENIA conference several years ago and have been inspired by her work ever since. 


Pernille Ripp (@pernilleripp) helps students discover their superpower as a former 4th and 5th, but now 7th grade English teacher in Oregon, Wisconsin. She opens up her educational practices to the world on her blog and is also the creator of the Global Read Aloud Project, a global literacy initiative that has connected millions of students. She is an internationally known educational speaker and also the author of several education books, with her latest release titled Passionate Readers – The Art of Reaching and Engaging Every Child. Look for Pernille surrounded by her four amazing kids, lovely husband and with a book in her hand.