Show #4 Autism and The Power of Exercise

As a Para-Educator and Fitness Coordinator at a school for children with autism, Dave Geslak (Coach Dave) experienced first-hand the challenges of teaching exercise. By understanding that students with autism learn differently, he developed a system that has become a breakthrough in effectively teaching exercise. Twelve universities have incorporated his program into their Adapted Physical Education and Special Education Programs. Coach Dave regularly speaks at autism conferences around the world.

On today ‘s podcast, Coach Dave shares about the effectiveness of exercise for people with autism. He also tells us how we can become certified as an autism exercise specialist next October in Kuala Lumpur. 

If you are interested in this certification, please go here. OR visit our SENIA website


As a Para-Educator and Fitness Coordinator at a school for children with autism, Coach Dave experienced first-hand the challenges of teaching exercise. By understanding that students with autism learn differently, he developed a system that has become a breakthrough in effectively teaching exercise. Twelve universities have incorporated his program into their Adapted Physical Education and Special Education Programs. Coach Dave regularly speaks at autism conferences around the world.

Coach Dave graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Promotion. He is a Certified Exercise Physiologist from the American College of Sports Medicine and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist from the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He is also a former student assistant strength and conditioning coach for the University of Iowa Football Program.