Show #09 IDS & the Telehealth Model of Support

While most of us were unceremoniously dumped into the world of remote virtual teaching recently, Tracey Ellis, CEO and founder of International Diagnostic Solutions (IDS) is a veteran. IDS is a company providing online special needs services and therapy to families and schools around the world through a telehealth model. Tracey started IDS over a decade ago as the first online special education team to support families abroad.

On today ‘s podcast, Tracey and I discuss how IDS can support students with speech, behavioral, academic, and OT needs.  They also support  families as they move to international schools that may not have multidisciplinary services to support their children with learning challenges. IDS helps give hope to families who want to have their children attend the same international school and not be separated due to a lack of services. Finally, IDS helps support teachers as well. Be sure to check out the IDS website for more information.


Tracey Ellis is the CEO and founder of International Diagnostic Solutions, a company providing online special needs services and therapy to families and schools around the world through a telehealth model. Tracey started IDS over a decade ago as the first online special education team to support families abroad. 

As an occupational therapist by training and with a background in public health and special education, Tracey recognized early on that using online delivery of support and resources could mean that children could have access to experts, treatment, and assessment no matter where they lived. As a champion for inclusion, Tracey has worked hard in these 10 years to provide schools with the resources and training to make sure that all children participate and all children succeed.

Resources from Today’s Show