Show #90 A Tree For All: Conversation with a UDL expert
Today host Lori Boll is joined by renowned Universal Design for Learning expert, Dr. Loui Lord Nelson. Loui is an internationally recognized leader in UDL implementation. She wrote her bestselling book “Design and Deliver: Planning and Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning” while completing her UDL post-doctoral fellowship at CAST, the creators of the UDL framework. She has two other books on UDL, a card game, and hosts the popular “UDL in 15 Minutes” podcast listened to globally. In this episode, she’ll provide an overview of UDL’s core principles, share examples of culturally responsive practices that benefit English learners, discuss the inspiration behind her books, and offer advice for schools beginning their UDL journey, We’re excited to tap into Dr. Nelson’s invaluable expertise around this transformative teaching approach.