Aaron Yong Tzy Seng April 2022 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient


Aaron Yong Tzy Seng is from Sabah, Malaysia and has many skills like making beautiful furniture or telling an animated tale. The teachers at his school discovered Aaron’s talent for the English language and his ability to proficiently narrate stories. As a gifted voice actor, he won first prize at online international competition “Under the Skies of Australia” on February 20th, 2022 in the animated storytelling category. He received national notoriety and was featured on Malaysian TV and appeared in the weekly educational column of a prominent English newspaper, The Star.  His achievements have paved the way for more individuals with disabilities to venture into animated storytelling and showcase their talents.  Thank you for leading the way, Aaron! 

Congratulations to Aaron Yong Tzy Seng as this month’s recipient of the SENIA World Changer Award!

See Aaron’s storytelling here: https://youtu.be/DgSIeM90szE