Avyasvina Istiniza Anak Unong August 2022 World Changer Award Recipient


Avyasvina Istiniza Anak Unong is a special educational needs educator who has played a major role in training the special needs learners at her school to partake in various art competitions through alternative means.  This has resulted in unprecedented achievements from the student body and  drew national interest. She trained the students with hearing loss to perform monologue and poetry in sign language and helped students with specific learning disorders to be voice actors for animated storytelling. These students earned various medals and prizes in online and remote art and literary festivals. They have been invited to perform at several events including a national convention focusing on inclusion of the special needs community. The impact of her work went beyond her school as the students’ performance videos were shared widely and one performance video was shared by one of the country’s education leaders as well as the ministry of education on social media.

Congratulations to Avyasvina Istiniza Anak Unong as August’s SENIA World Changer Award recipient.

Here is one of her student’s performances: https://youtu.be/wCpXe-Mx-Q4