Dymphna Simon September 2021 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient


Dymphna Simon has pioneered sign language poetry performance as an alternative for Malaysian special needs individuals to partake in performing arts that often require oral skills. She recorded her own sign language poetry entitled “Ngakak” in which she won 1st prize at an online art festival “American Charm” in July 2021. Her individual victory earned  national publicity as she was able to break the barriers in performing arts that have excluded individuals who communicate through sign language from taking part actively as performers. Additionally, she led her team to win first place at the Portugal Art Carnival in May 2021. 

Also, she is an avid  badminton player who has won several tournaments for people with differing abilities.

Congratulations to Dymphna Simon as the 2021 September SENIA World Changer Award Recipient!

 Her poetry performance can be accessed from this link: https://youtu.be/2C6vKtkBolU