Kan Fook Keong March 2023 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient


Kan Fook Keong is a special education teacher in Sabah, Malaysia. Despite originating in Selangor that is more well-developed, Kan chose to stay teaching at a vocational school in the rural areas of Sabah, the least developed state, since 2012. He has guided the special needs learners comprising those with learning disorders as well as those with hearing impairments in many disciplines like sports and painting. During the pandemic, he discovered an alternative to students presenting their projects in innovation contests in sign language. As a result of his effort, he was able to train a team of hearing-impaired students to participate in several innovation contests and earned many medals. 

Kan is dedicated to the well being of his students and started a food project that prepares vegan meals for the students to promote healthier lifestyle with minimal environmental harm. He did this after learning that many of his students were either vegetarians or vegans.

Kan has been instrumental in supporting the dreams and passions of the students at Keningau Vocational College.  He is indeed a World Changer!

Congratulations to Kan Fook Keong for being a SENIA World Changer!